Data for Turkey and Iran
Ground deformation rate maps for Turkey and Iran (R marks the reference region). Google Earth kmz file can be downloaded and saved by clicking on each map. High-resolution data is available upon request.
These images are previews of the high-resolution (~40 m spacing) deformation rate maps computed from 2017-2023 Sentinel-1 data using a fully automated processing system. Additional results can be downloaded from here. There are many artifacts that require further improvements, so this data is provided with absolutely no warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk.
Many observed signals are due to either mining, groundwater extraction, or slow-moving deep-seated landslides.
The high-resolution deformation maps consist of GeoTIFF files with the deformation time series at 12-day temporal resolution and an overall linear deformation rate. The work is still in progress. If interested in collaborating, contact